Media Art



In progress. Here are some of the projects I am working on for media art courses at UCSB. Github

sand simulation

this program allow the user to organize the mesh vertices using keyboard interaction:

  • 1 key returns the points to the row/column positions of each pixel in the original image.
  • 2 key places each point in an RGB color space “Cube” according to its color.
  • 3 key builds an HSV color space “Cylinder” with the points.
  • 4 key organizes the points according to my aesthetic goals; I implemented a grid-based sand simulation!

solar system

I implemented a solar-like system that followed physics rules.
Single Star

Double Star

flocking simulation

I created a 3D autonomous agent simulation with flocking. This system has some adjustable parameters and food attractors.

Karplus-Strong string synthesis

I use the Karplus-Strong string synthesis algorithm to generate a plucked string sound. Github