

Physics Allolib

Physics Allolib is a toy physical engine written in C++ as a final project for UC Santa Barbara’s MAT201B course. It includes some physics simulation like rigid bodies, collisions and cloth simulation, and I implemented octree for accelerating the collisions. And this project supports UCSB MAT’s AlloSphere which is a 3D, 360-degree immersive Research Facility. Github

Stable fluid

I implemented stable fluid with taichi. reference: Stam, Jos. (2001). Stable Fluids. ACM SIGGRAPH 99. 1999. 10.1145/311535.311548. Github

Sound propagation

Sound Propagation is a C++ program that simulates sound propagation also as a final project for UC Santa Barbara’s MAT240B course. The program includes features such as sound absorption, reflection, diffraction(yet to implement), and reverb to create a realistic acoustic environment for user. reference: - Github